Friday, August 1, 2008

Renewed Resolve

Yes, about every other month I renew my resolve. It is a habit of sorts, to sit, reflect, and think about how I can improve what it is I do day to day. I've been doing a lot of sitting, reflecting and thinking this past week on my "stay-cation" and have come to the same conclusions as before:
1. Exercise regularly - at least 5 days a week.
2. Eat more healthily (read: less mexican food/beer, more homemade/wholesome food)
3. Be more efficient at home (housework, cooking see above,  and taking care of my two favorite guys, my Lover/Husband David and dear son Benton) and at work, my awesome paper trading company job.

It is in these reflect and resolve times that I always come to the same conclusion: I just have to do better! And also, I will struggle with these issues for THE REST OF MY LIFE.

More later, the lover just woke up from his last nap of vacation. Back to reality tomorrow. And in case you were wondering, yes, I had a nap too, this morning, for 2 hours. All this reflecting and resolving takes a lot of energy.

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